Tác phẩm Vị Thanh

Tác giả: Catalin Chitu - Ngày tham dự: 31/08/2023

ID bài dự thi: 11900

Link tác phẩm dự thi: https://happy.vietnam.vn/binh-chon-video/?cid=193&cac=submission&ctx=page&cm=0&sid=11900

Tiêu đề: Vị Thanh

Lời giới thiệu: Vị Thanh is a city of Hậu Giang province, on the Xà No river, Mekong Delta region. Vị Thanh is known as the City to the West of Hậu river ("Thành phố Tây sông Hậu"). Vị Hưng church was established in 1890 by Father Phaolô Nguyễn Thanh Cần, about 2 km from the current location and moved to Xà No canal from 1897 - 1915. The church was rebuilt many times and inaugurated in 1943 but damaged during the Vietnam War. The last rebuild was in 2007. The church's red tiled roof is similar to Vietnamese architecture of communal houses and pagodas. Vị Thanh Market /Vi Thanh "chồm hổm" market / Outdoor farmers market / Vi Thanh "dong" market. The market starts from 2:00am until 10:00am, but the peak hours are from 6:00am to 8:00am. Main goods sold at the market are fresh agricultural and aquatic products.